Same-Day Surgery 2000 Index
Same-Day Surgery 2000 Index
Core measures include surgical site infection, MAY:58
JCAHO adds pain management standards, MAR:Sup
Joint Commission Defines Surgical Core Measures, MAY:59
Joint Commission drafts office-based standards, OCT:125
Joint Commission revises fire-drill standards, OCT:125
Joint Commission updates standards for anesthesia, OCT:124
Joint Commission warns about OR sentinel events, MAY:54
Seven steps to reducing surgery complications, MAY:57
Some single-use devices can be reprocessed safely, GAO report says, AUG:97
The Joint Commission defines sentinel event, MAY:55
Web sites offer accreditation info, OCT:126
Advance directives
Develop a policy on advance directives, SEP:115
Learn how to handle advance directives, SEP:113
Patient Information Sheet (Advance Directives), SEP:Sup
Alternative medicine
Integrate complementary medicine into your practice, OCT:132
Patients must skip Viagra 24 hours before surgery, APRIL:41
Cut length of stay: Pay attention to meds, SEPT:117
How you can reduce your anesthesia costs, APR:43
Joint Commission updates standards for anesthesia, OCT:124
Minimum Elements for Providing Anesthesia Services in the Office-Based Practice Setting — Assessment Checklist, NOV:Sup
Patients must skip Viagra 24 hours before surgery, APRIL:41
Teamwork and anesthetics reduce surgery times, NOV:139
Documentation/Forms/Policies/ Protocols
Competency assessment begins at orientation, APR:44
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Pediatric and Adult) perioperative pathway, MAR:Sup
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Protocol, JUN:Sup
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Abnormal Exam, JUN:Sup
Minimum Elements for Providing Anesthesia Services in the Office-Based Practice Setting — Assessment Checklist, NOV:Sup
Patient Information Sheet (Advance Directives), SEP:Sup
Performance Review and Competency Tracking Tool — Staff RN — Surgery, APR:Sup
Performance Review and Competency Tracking Tool — Surgical Technician, APR:Sup
Protocol addresses nausea and vomiting, JUL:90
Survey techniques vary among facilities, MAY:62
Training Program for Nurse Endoscopist Performing Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, JUN:Sup
Vendors provide survey tools, MAY:62
Equipment/Supplies (also see Anesthesia and Laparoscopy/ endoscopy/arthroscopy/ sigmoidoscopy)
Cataract extraction study looks at costs, efficiency, JUN:77
FDA policy on reprocessing not for surgery centers, APRIL:40
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Existing Non-premarket and Premarket Submission Requirements for Hospital Reprocessors, OCT:Sup
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Specific Premarket Requirements, OCT:Sup
Final reuse regulation: FDA drops risk classification, OCT:130
Get ready to be treated like a device manufacturer, if FDA has its way — Feds propose revisions to policy on reprocessing single-use items; JAN:1
HCFA adds $50 payment for new technology IOLs, JUN:68
Health advisory targets reprocessing endoscopes, JAN: 9
How you can reduce your anesthesia costs, APR:43
Info System Vendors Offer Cost-Accounting Capabilities, JAN:5
List of Surgical Single-Use Devices Known to be Reprocessed, OCT:Sup
PCA said to be effective method for children, APR:45
Recent studies add fuel to the fire: Should your staff use soap or gel? APRIL:37
Some single-use devices can be reprocessed safely, GAO report says, AUG:97
Surgery center uses IOL to reduce cataract costs, MAY:53
Teamwork and anesthetics reduce surgery times, NOV:139
Extended recovery care
Be persistent against regulatory roadblocks, AUG:103
Examine programming for extended recovery care, SEP:115
Extended care adds revenue potential, AUG:102
Mixed financial results for extended recovery care, AUG:104
Survey by FASA looks at recovery care, AUG:106
Finances (also see Medicare and Outpatient PPS)
Avoid reimbursement delays: Accuracy is key, JUN:69
ID reimbursement problems before they appear, JUN:70
Prepare to give away financial data and pay your state for the 'privilege,' SEP:109
Same-day surgery questions and answers, OCT:126
Sample of what data states collect, SEP:110
Strategy for success in one word? Volume! MGMA analyzes performance of surgery centers, DEC:149
Use peer comparisons to lower operating cost, DEC:148
Freestanding centers
Bill proposes delay in PPS for surgery centers, NOV:138
IC guidelines reach beyond the hospital, MAR: 30
Prepare to give away financial data and pay your state for the 'privilege,' SEP:109
Requirements for Infrastructure and Essential Activities of Infection Control and Epidemiology in Out-of-Hospital Settings, MAR: Sup
Sample of what data states collect, SEP:110
Strategy for success in one word? Volume! MGMA analyzes performance of surgery centers, DEC:149
Surgery centers attract experience, MAR:30
Surgery center uses IOL to reduce cataract costs, MAY:53
Hospital-based programs (Also see Outpatient PPS)
FDA policy on reprocessing not for surgery centers, APRIL:40
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Existing Non-premarket and Premarket Submission Requirements for Hospital Reprocessors, OCT:Sup
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Specific Premarket Requirements, OCT:Sup
Final reuse regulation: FDA drops risk classification, OCT:130
Hospital CEOs express competitive concerns, AUG:101
Joint venture column leads to flood of e-mails, MAR:32
List of Surgical Single-Use Devices Known to be Reprocessed, OCT:Sup
Why hospitals try joint venture ASCs with doctors, JAN:8
Infection control/Reprocessing single-use devices
Bills address reuse issue, AUG:100
Consider caveats of reprocessing safely, AUG:100
Controversy erupts over whether to disinfect or sterilize endoscopes, FEB:13
Core measures include surgical site infection, MAY:58
FDA policy on reprocessing not for surgery centers, APRIL:40
Final reuse regulation: FDA drops risk classification, OCT:130
Health advisory targets reprocessing endoscopes, JAN:9
IC guidelines reach beyond the hospital, MAR:30
Joint Commission Defines Surgical Core Measures, MAY:59
List of Surgical Single-Use Devices Known to be Reprocessed, OCT:Sup
Recent studies add fuel to the fire: Should your staff use soap or gel? APRIL:37
Requirements for Infrastructure and Essential Activities of Infection Control and Epidemiology in Out-of-Hospital Settings, MAR:Sup
Some single-use devices can be reprocessed safely, GAO report says, AUG:97
Internet/World Wide Web
Free safety info available on the Web, JULY:86
Grants, guidelines, and more with a lick of a mouse, JULY:96
Orthopedic information available on the Web, DEC:156
Reduce patients' stress with Web site service, DEC:Sup
Use the Web to give pre-op information, APR:46
Web sites offer accreditation info, OCT:126
Controversy erupts over whether to disinfect or sterilize endoscopes, FEB:13
Cut length of stay: Pay attention to meds, SEPT:117
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Pediatric and Adult) perioperative pathway, MAR:Sup
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Protocol, JUN:Sup
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Abnormal Exam, JUN:Sup
Health advisory targets reprocessing endoscopes, JAN: 9
Here are study results: How do you measure up? NOV:140
Nurse endoscopists increasing staffing options, JUN:74
Solid training essential for flexible sigmoidoscopies, JUN76
Team effort vs. assigned tasks saves time, NOV:141
Teamwork and anesthetics reduce surgery times, NOV:139
Training Program for Nurse Endoscopist Performing Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, JUN:Sup
Management (Also see Salary/Careers, Regulation, and Renovating/Building)
ASC management: 9 lessons I've learned, FEB:18
Check out shoe sales and surgery in one trip, JULY:91
Collect cost information in three categories, JAN:6
Ensure success, follow tips to measure your costs, JAN: 4
Generation X: Who are they? FEB:17
Info System Vendors Offer Cost-Accounting Capabilities, JAN:5
Joint venture column leads to flood of e-mails, MAR:32
Managing Generation X in same-day surgery, FEB:16
Prepare to give away financial data and pay your state for the 'privilege,' SEP:109
Same-day surgery questions and answers, OCT:126
Sample of what data states collect, SEP:110
Should your facility ban the use of cell phones? NOV:141
Tips for freeing up bottlenecks in surgery, NOV:142
Medicare (Also see Outpatient PPS)
Fraud alert addresses outpatient surgery billing, JAN: 11
HCFA adds $50 payment for new technology IOLs, JUN:68
New procedures (also see Technology)
Options available for vision correction, JULY:93
Nurse endoscopists increasing staffing options, JUN:74
Performance Review and Competency Tracking Tool — Staff RN — Surgery, APR:Sup
Perioperative elective introduces OR to students, MAR:29
Periop nursing shortage threatens SDS programs, MAR:28
Shortage of experienced nurses? Readers share solutions, NOV:Sup
Solid training essential for flexible sigmoidoscopies, JUN:76
Surgery centers attract experience, MAR:30
Training Program for Nurse Endoscopist Performing Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, JUN:Sup
Outpatient prospective payment system (Also see Medicare and Finances)
Bill proposes delay in PPS for surgery centers, NOV:138
Brace yourself: HCFA might be wrong in optimistic predictions for PPS rule, JUN:65
Days are counting down: 4 steps to take now, JUN:67
Follow these tips to comply with PPS, OCT:129
Glitches in outpatient PPS could cause claims errors, OCT:127
Good/bad reimbursement news for pain management, DEC:154
Groups ask for delay in provider-based rule, OCT:129
HCFA delays outpatient PPS by one month, JULY:81
HCFA to phase in APCs for surgery centers and give hospitals supplemental payments, JAN:1
Here's the bad news from hospital PPS rule, MAY:52
Here's the latest PPS news, DEC:145
Medicare Learning Network for Outpatient PPS Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (Excerpt), AUG:Sup
Medicare Learning Network Q&As (Excerpt), NOV:Sup
OIG won't seek penalties for outpatient PPS errors, AUG:107
Outpatient PPS to be implemented this year, APR:37
Want more information on the outpatient PPS? SEP:119
Were you expecting the worst with outpatient PPS? You can relax, MAY:49
Will patients shift settings under outpatient PPS? SEP:118
Pain management
Complementary therapies offer pain control options, MAR:Sup
Know the definitions of complementary therapies, MAR:Sup
JCAHO adds pain management standards, MAR:Sup
PCA said to be effective method for children, APR:45
Patient satisfaction
Patients define value of pre-op information, MAY:63
Reduce patients' stress with Web site service, DEC:Sup
Patient screening
A quick tip on when to test, DEC:147
Be ready to handle domestic abuse victims, DEC:153
Domestic abuse victims undergo more surgeries, DEC:151
Will you ID diseases or waste time and money with routine pre-op tests on the elderly? DEC:145
PCA said to be effective method for children, APR:45
Tips on how to handle the pediatric patient, JUN:73
Preoperative care
A quick tip on when to test, DEC:147
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Protocol, JUN:Sup
Patients define value of pre-op information, MAY:63
Use the Web to give pre-op information, APR:46
Will you ID diseases or waste time and money with routine pre-op tests on the elderly? DEC:145
Quality assurance/quality improvement/benchmarking/best practices
Benchmarking is more than managers realize, MAY:60
Best performers strive to improve, JUN:78
Cataract extraction study looks at costs, efficiency, JUN:77
Core measures include surgical site infection, MAY:58
Future benchmark studies planned, JUN:80
Here are study results: How do you measure up? NOV:140
Joint Commission Defines Surgical Core Measures, MAY:59
Protocol addresses nausea and vomiting, JUL:90
Team effort vs. assigned tasks saves time, NOV:141
Teamwork and anesthetics reduce surgery times, NOV:139
FDA policy on reprocessing not for surgery centers, APRIL:40
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Existing Non-premarket and Premarket Submission Requirements for Hospital Reprocessors, OCT:Sup
FDA's Intended Time Line for Enforcing Specific Premarket Requirements, OCT:Sup
Final reuse regulation: FDA drops risk classification, OCT:130
Get ready to be treated like a device manufacturer, if FDA has its way — Feds propose revisions to policy on reprocessing single-use items; JAN:1
IC guidelines reach beyond the hospital, MAR:30
List of Surgical Single-Use Devices Known to be Reprocessed, OCT:Sup
New FCC requirements may mean replacing telemetry equipment, OCT:121
Requirements for Infrastructure and Essential Activities of Infection Control and Epidemiology in Out-of-Hospital Settings, MAR:Sup
Risk categorization scheme draft published, FEB:23
Safe harbors extended to four types of ASCs, FEB:19
Some single-use devices can be reprocessed safely, GAO report says, AUG:97
Build or renovate: How do you decide? JAN:6
Construction costs can vary widely, FEB:22
Learn how to select an architect, FEB:22
Location costs differ from traditional sites, JULY:93
Use current, future case mix to plan your center, JAN:8
Risk Management/Medical errors (also see Infection Control)
AORN course trains industry reps, JULY:88
Consider caveats of reprocessing safely, AUG:100
Develop a policy on advance directives, SEP:115
Don't end up on '60 Minutes' — avoid liability with new technology, MAR:25
Do you have a difficult physician in your OR? JUN:71
Fraud alert addresses outpatient surgery billing, JAN: 11
Free safety info available on the Web, JULY:86
Instrument counts: Controversial, but vital, JULY:84
Joint Commission warns about OR sentinel events, MAY:54
Learn how to handle advance directives, SEP:113
New FCC requirements may mean replacing telemetry equipment, OCT:121
New statement addresses sales reps in the OR, JULY:88
Number of office-based surgeries rivals surgery centers; are they safe? NOV:133
Public spotlight is on medical errors — don't become one of the statistics, JULY:81
Recommended Practices for Sponge, Sharp, and Instrument Counts, JULY:Sup
Seven steps to reducing surgery complications, MAY:57
Some single-use devices can be reprocessed safely, GAO report says, AUG:97
The Joint Commission defines sentinel event, MAY:55
Tips on how to handle the pediatric patient, JUN:73
What led Florida board to pass moratorium? NOV:137
Shortage of experienced nurses? Readers share solutions, NOV:Sup
Staffing/Staff satisfaction
Competency assessment begins at orientation, APR:44
Cross-trained staffing: The pros and cons, SEP:112
Do you know the preferences of your OR staff? JULY:89
Performance Review and Competency Tracking Tool — Staff RN — Surgery, APR:Sup
Shortage of experienced nurses? Readers share solutions, NOV:Sup
Surgeons/Office-based surgery
Do you feel threatened by office-based surgeries? NOV:136
Do you have a difficult physician in your OR? JUN:71
How do surgeons judge a day-surgery program, MAY:61
Joint Commission drafts office-based standards, OCT:125
Joint venture column leads to flood of e-mails, MAR:32
Minimum Elements for Providing Anesthesia Services in the Office-Based Practice Setting — Assessment Checklist, NOV:Sup
Number of office-based surgeries rivals surgery centers; are they safe? NOV:133
Survey techniques vary among facilities, MAY:62
Vendors provide survey tools, MAY:62
What led Florida board to pass moratorium? NOV:137
Why hospitals try joint venture ASCs with doctors, JAN:8
Technology (also see Internet/World Wide Web, and Laparoscopy/endoscopy/arthroscopy/sigmoidoscopy)
Don't end up on' 60 Minutes' — avoid liability with new technology, MAR:25
Free safety info available on the Web, JULY:86
How to decide on technology purchases, JULY:85
Include potential volume increase in cost evaluation, JUL:87
Low-tech zipper plays role in modern surgery, MAR:33
Technological 'Big Brother' increases efficiency, DEC:Sup
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