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OSHA Actions: OSHA launches Web partnership page

OSHA Actions

OSHA launches Web partnership page

The Occupational Safety and Health Admini-stration launched a new page on its Web site that highlights successful safety and health partnerships and encourages new voluntary partnerships in order to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses.

Under the banner of "Partner with OSHA: New Ways of Working," the new site describes nearly 80 current partnerships. Many of these joint ventures focus on areas addressed in OSHA’s Strategic Plan. The site also provides valuable information on public/private collaborations and a step-by-step guide on how to initiate new partnerships.

Program partners may receive outreach, training, technical assistance, and on-site consultation services. Partnerships also benefit employers and employees by reducing workplace injuries and decreasing workers’ compensation premiums.

OSHA incentives offered to partnering employers include focused inspections limited to only the most serious hazards, reduced fines, no penalties or citations for other-than-serious violations and new opportunities to share safety and health program expertise and resources.

The new partnership page is available on OSHA’s Web site: partnership/index.html, under the What’s New and Outreach pages.