Integrate complementary medicine into your practice
Finally, a resource is available for nurses that presents practical, firsthand information about complementary medicine. In CAM and Nursing: Integrating Complementary Medicine into Your Practice, nurse leaders in complementary medicine share how they have responded to growing patient demand for CAM therapies. This resource is published by American Health Consultants, publisher of Same-Day Surgery.
You will discover which complementary therapies patients want and how the sometimes ancient modalities will benefit your patients and practice. In addition, Lynn Keegan, BSN, PhD, FAAN, past president of the American Holistic Nurses Association and editor of Holistic Nursing Update, presents a comprehensive outline of how to develop a CAM program and integrate it into your health care setting.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by: $49 reserves your copy of this invaluable CAM reference. Contact customer service at (800) 688-2421 to place your order. Fax: (800) 284-3291. E-mail: