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Medtrade Europe, the trade event in Europe that focuses exclusively on the home care market, has been postponed to 2001. The conference was scheduled for April 12-14, 2000. For more information on Medtrade Europe, call (800) 241-9034.

The California Association for Health Se r vices at Home’s (Sacramento) 2000 annual conference is May 17-19 in Pasadena. For more information, call (916) 554-6117.

The National Association for Home Care (Washington) is offering a series of one-day workshops on the prospective payment system (PPS) to provide attendees with analysis and detailed information about how to successfully implement PPS. Locations and dates will be announced. For more information, call (202) 547-7424.

The American Federation of Home Care Providers will be conducting several one-day workshops on Understanding and Managing Under PPS. The first workshop will be Feb. 1 in St. Petersburg, FL. Other programs are in planning. For more information, call (800) 525-5577.