Same-Day Surgery 1999 Index
Same-Day Surgery 1999 Index
Accreditation to require benchmarking, JUL:83
Competence: 'The shot heard round the world,' MAR:38
Don't get tripped up by the 'No. 1 trouble spot' — Step-by-step guide to resolving problems with QI, JUN:72
Fire drills are a problem Here's how to ace them, JAN:14
HCFA on track to beef up oversight of facilities, SEP:111
JCAHO outlines causes of most wrong-site surgery, JAN:13
Joint Commission crackdown: Are you doing flash sterilization properly? SEP:101
Joint Commission offers new publication, DEC:148
Joint Commission targets surgery — five areas identified for core measures, AUG:99
Keeping records confidential is not tough, FEB:27
Sample Physician Letter (Wound Infections), MAY:63
SurgiCenter of Baltimore Investigation of Wound Infections, May:Supplement
Use tools to screen for post-op infections, MAY:62
When surveyor seeks info that's not in the standards, APR:51
Alternative medicine
Check patients' herb use before same-day surgery, AUG:93
Lakeview Hospital Patient Admission Assessment, AUG:Supplement
Popular botanicals may cause interactions, AUG:94
Publication addresses alternative medicine, AUG:93
Ambulatory payment classifications (APCs) (Also see Medicare and Finances)
Outpatient PPS may be phased in, DEC:147
Providers work to delay ASC rates' implementation, OCT:118
Trouble ahead with proposed outpatient regs? JAN:11
Will final APC regulations be published in '99? SEP:112
Guidelines for office-based anesthesia, DEC:Supplement
Long arm of regulation reaches out from states and anesthesia society, DEC:137
New Jersey regulations focus on patient safety, JAN:5
NJ sets benchmark to regulate office anesthesia, JAN:4
Key to survival: changing attitudes, NOV:134
Cost containment
Cut your costs and reduce your stress: Select appropriate patients for SDS, APR:41
Hospital targets scrubs and saves $185,000, JAN:3
Options are available to traditional trocar, MAY:56
Reduce supply costs with information, JUL:82
Reuse of single-use items: Common sense or higher risk? JUL:77
Saving money with surgical scrubs and gowns: How far is too far? JAN:1
Send Parkinson's patients home in hours, not days, JUN:68
Shielded vs. unshielded: Selecting the right trocar for your program is critical, MAY:53
Tips for shrinking turnaround time, FEB:24
Tips to help you evaluate reprocessors, JUL:79
AMA offers credentialing assistance product, JUL:86
Can your ASC meet the credentialing challenge of new tools, techniques? JUN:65
Protect yourself with good (credentialing) documentation, JUN:67
Documentation/forms (Also see Credentialing)
Day Surgery Checklist, NOV:Supplement
Day Surgery Discharge Plan, NOV:Supplement
Lakeview Hospital Patient Admission Assessment, AUG:Supplement
Mountain View Post Operative Questionnaire, NOV:Supplement
Mountain View Surgery Center Patient Outcome Reporting, NOV:Supplement
Pat Phone Interview, APR:43
Perioperative pathway ensures consistent care, MAR:35
Protect yourself with good (credentialing) documentation, JUN:67
Sample Physician Letter (Wound Infections), MAY:63
So You Had a Tonsillectomy — Now What, NOV:Supplement
Surgical Services Perioperative Pathway — Preoperative/ Preprocedure, MAR:Supplement
SurgiCenter of Baltimore Investigation of Wound Infections, May:Supplement
Use your form during review to avoid reprints, MAR:36
Equipment/supplies (Also see Infection control, Laparoscopy/ endoscopy/bronchoscopy, and Year 2000)
Corneal ring can correct nearsightedness, MAY:61
Hospital targets scrubs and saves $185,000, JAN:3
Joint Commission crackdown: Are you doing flash sterilization properly? SEP:101
Latex allergies: What you should know, JUN:73
Most hospitals allow salespeople in the OR, FEB:21
Options are available to traditional trocar, MAY:56
OSHA latex warning raises storm of protest, JUL:84
Ouch! New needlestick legislation will mean paying more for safer needles, OCT:113
Principles and Guidelines: Patient Safety During Electrosurgical Procedures, APR:Supplement
Recommended Practice IV: Flash (Steam) Sterilization Should Be Carefully Selected to Meet Special Clinical Situations, SEP:Supplement
Reduce supply costs with information, JUL:82
Reuse of single-use items: Common sense or higher risk? JUL:77
Salesman in OR leads to lawsuits after patient dies, FEB:19
Saving money with surgical scrubs and gowns: How far is too far? JAN:1
SDS programs test safety devices, OCT:117
Shielded vs. unshielded: Selecting the right trocar for your program is critical, MAY:53
Summary of State Needlestick Legislation, OCT:Supplement
10 myths about latex allergy, JUN:Supplement
Tips to help you evaluate reprocessors, JUL:79
Finances (also see Medicare)
Proposal encourages office surgery, JAN:6
Freestanding centers
Cosmetic procedures: Baby boomers and lasers team up for financial win, JAN:7
New book gives guidelines for the outpatient setting, JUN:69
Want a service unaffected by managed care? JAN:9
Hospital-based programs
Hospital pitfalls with joint ventures, MAR:37
Hospital targets scrubs and saves $185,000, JAN:3
How to keep physicians from leaving your program, JAN:10
SDS programs test safety devices, OCT:117
Infection control
Assess SSI risk in patients, procedures, SEP:106
Clinicians debate whether wounds should get wet after same-day surgery, FEB:17
Excerpt of AORN Recommended Practices (Sharps Injuries), OCT:115
Excerpt of CDC Guidelines for SSI Prevention, SEP:Supplement
Health Care Worker Needlestick Prevention Act of 1999, OCT:116
How can outpatients be tracked for infection? SEP:105
Joint Commission crackdown: Are you doing flash sterilization properly? SEP:101
Ouch! New needlestick legislation will mean paying more for safer needles, OCT:113
Recommended Practice IV: Flash (Steam) Sterilization Should Be Carefully Selected to Meet Special Clinical Situations, SEP:Supplement
Re-examine processes for cleaning bronchoscopes, SEP:104
Reuse of single-use items: Common sense or higher risk? JUL:77
Sample Physician Letter (Wound Infections), MAY:63
SDS programs test safety devices, OCT:117
Summary of State Needlestick Legislation, OCT:Supplement
SurgiCenter of Baltimore Investigation of Wound Infections, May:Supplement
Tips to help you evaluate reprocessors, JUL:79
Use tools to screen for post-op infections, MAY:62
Internet/World Wide Web
Clinical guidelines on the Web, AUG:99
Extra! Extra! Free data available on the Web, AUG: 96
Follow these tips to develop strong Web site, OCT:Supplement 3
Ongoing evaluation strengthens Web site, OCT:4
Same-day surgery programs are surfing the Internet, OCT:Supplement 1
Cut thermal injuries with education, inspections, APR:44
Principles and Guidelines: Patient Safety During Electrosurgical Procedures, APR:Supplement
Re-examine processes for cleaning bronchoscopes, SEP:104
Laser surgery
Cosmetic procedures: Baby boomers and lasers team up for financial win, JAN:7
Don't miss out! Tattoo removal, short recovery cosmetic cases in demand, AUG:89
Follow steps for success with tattoo removal, AUG:91
Want a service unaffected by managed care? JAN:9
Management (Also see Careers)
Accreditation Tip — Competence: 'The shot heard round the world,' MAR:38
Conduct an operational and process audit, DEC:140
Don't miss out! Tattoo removal, short recovery cosmetic cases in demand, AUG:89
Eliminate unnecessary tests, streamline pre-op, OCT:122
Follow steps for success with tattoo removal, AUG:91
Hospital pitfalls with joint ventures, MAR:37
How to keep physicians from leaving your program, JAN:10
How to set up a one-stop preadmission department, OCT:121
Latex allergies: What you should know, JUN:73
Pearls of wisdom make life easier, JUL:87
Physician exodus (surgicaleth departus), AUG:95
Pre-op efficiency improves patient satisfaction, OCT:120
Questions from the front lines, OCT:123
Role of the SDS program in marketing to physicians, MAY:60
Teamwork keeps turnover time low, SEP:108
10 myths about latex allergy, JUN:Supplement
The medical director's role in same-day surgery, SEP:107
Waiting room audits tell much about your facility, JUN:71
Medical records
Accreditation Tip — Information management: Are policies understood? FEB:25
An overview of 1999 CPT code changes, APR:48
Keeping records confidential is not tough, FEB:27
Medicare (Also see Ambulatory payment classifications)
HCFA announces ASC rate updates, NOV:135
HCFA on track to beef up oversight of facilities, SEP:111
HCFA to pay $50 more for new technology IOLs, OCT:119
New procedures (also see Laser surgery, Technology)
Corneal ring can correct nearsightedness, MAY:61
Gastrointestinal repair brings in new patients, MAR:33
Here's two new services for your SDS program, APR:46
Send Parkinson's patients home in hours, not days, JUN:68
Sentinel node biopsy considered for breast, FEB:22
What's next for sentinel lymph node biopsy? FEB:23
AORN updates name, JUL:85
Patient assessment
Eliminate unnecessary tests, streamline pre-op, OCT:122
How to set up a one-stop preadmission department, OCT:121
Pre-op efficiency improves patient satisfaction, OCT:120
Tips for developing a thorough (elderly) patient profile, DEC:145
Patient/family education
Elderly may make mistakes with meds, DEC:146
How your program can meet needs of the elderly, DEC:144
Patient satisfaction
Comfort, good information top list of customer needs, SEP:109
Eliminate unnecessary tests, streamline pre-op, OCT:122
How to set up a one-stop preadmission department, OCT:121
How your program can meet needs of the elderly, DEC:144
Pre-op efficiency improves patient satisfaction, OCT:120
Quality assurance/quality improvement/benchmarking
Accreditation to require benchmarking, JUL:83
Benchmarking projects: How do you measure up? NOV:128
Don't get tripped up by the 'No. 1 trouble spot' — Step-by-step guide to resolving problems with QI, JUN:72
Extra! Extra! Free data available on the Web, AUG:96
How can outpatients be tracked for infection? SEP:105
Joint Commission targets surgery — Five areas identified for core measures, AUG:99
Medical outcomes are hard to track, NOV:130
Mountain View Post Operative Questionnaire, NOV:Supplement
Mountain View Surgery Center Patient Outcome Reporting, NOV:Supplement
Sample Physician Letter (Wound Infections), MAY:63
SurgiCenter of Baltimore Investigation of Wound Infections, May:Supplement
Use tools to screen for post-op infections, MAY:62
Variety of organizations offer outcomes projects, NOV:131
Long arm of regulation reaches out from states and anesthesia society, DEC:137
States take action on same-day surgery, DEC:140
Risk management (also see Infection control and Year 2000/Y2K)
AMA offers credentialing assistance product, JUL:86
Are your tonsillectomy patients at risk for bleeding? Mayo study sheds light, NOV:125
Can your ASC meet the credentialing challenge of new tools, techniques? JUN:65
Cosmetic surgery patients pose high lawsuit threat, DEC:141
Cut thermal injuries with education, inspections, APR:44
Cut your costs and reduce your stress: Select appropriate patients for SDS, APR:41
Day Surgery Check List, NOV:Supplement
Day Surgery Discharge Plan, NOV:Supplement
Hospital targets scrubs and saves $185,000, JAN:3
How to handle a consent for aggressive surgery, DEC:146
JCAHO outlines causes of most wrong-site surgery, JAN:13
Latex allergies: What you should know, JUN:73
Liposuction deaths hit the headlines, JUL:80
Most hospitals allow salespeople in the OR, FEB:21
New Jersey regulations focus on patient safety, JAN:5
NJ sets benchmark to regulate office anesthesia, JAN:4
Options are available to traditional trocar, MAY:56
OSHA latex warning raises storm of protest, JUL:84
Patient Handout: So You Had a Tonsillectomy — Now What, NOV:Supplement
Pat Phone Interview, APR:43
Principles and Guidelines: Patient Safety During Electrosurgical Procedures, APR:Supplement
Proposal encourages office surgery, JAN:6
Protect yourself with good (credentialing) documentation, JUN:67
Research says malpractice risk high with plastic surgery, DEC:143
Reuse of single-use items: Common sense or higher risk? JUL:77
Salesman in OR leads to lawsuits after patient dies, FEB:19
Saving money with surgical scrubs and gowns: How far is too far? JAN:1
Shielded vs. unshielded: Selecting the right trocar for your program is critical, MAY:53
Stress bleeding potential in post-op instructions, NOV:127
Study: Office liposuction has low malpractice risk, DEC:144
10 myths about latex allergy, JUN:Supplement
Tips to help you evaluate reprocessors, JUL:79
Cross-training programs offer scheduling flexibility, NOV:132
What role can LPNs play in the recovery room? APR:49
Surgeons/office-based surgery
AMA offers credentialing assistance product, JUL:86
Can your ASC meet the credentialing challenge of new tools, techniques? JUN:65
Cosmetic surgery patients pose high lawsuit threat, DEC:141
Guidelines for Office-Based Anesthesia, DEC:Supplement
How to keep physicians from leaving your program, JAN:10
Liposuction deaths hit the headlines, JUL:80
Long arm of regulation reaches out from states and anesthesia society, DEC:137
New Jersey regulations focus on patient safety, JAN:5
NJ sets benchmark to regulate office anesthesia, JAN:4
Physician exodus (surgicaleth departus), AUG:95
Proposal encourages office surgery, JAN:6
Protect yourself with good (credentialing) documentation, JUN:67
Research says malpractice risk high with plastic surgery, DEC:143
Role of the SDS program in marketing to physicians, MAY:60
States take action on same-day surgery, DEC:140
Study: Office liposuction has low malpractice risk, DEC:144
The medical director's role in same-day surgery, SEP:107
Technology (Also see Internet/World Wide Web, Laser surgery, Laparo-scopy/endoscopy/bronchoscopy, and Year 2000)
Can your ASC meet the credentialing challenge of new tools, techniques? JUN:65
How to handle a consent for aggressive surgery, DEC:146
Protect yourself with good (credentialing) documentation, JUN:67
SDS programs test safety devices, OCT:117
Send Parkinson's patients home in hours, not days, JUN:68
Year 2000 (Y2K)
Health care Y2K reference available for our readers, MAY:59
Health system decides to test everything for Y2K compliance, MAR:31
Is your SDS program ready for Dec. 31? MAY:57
Multiply number of noncompliant items by 5, AUG:98
Sample Provider Y2K Readiness Checklist, MAR:30
(Y2K Contingency Planning) Executive Phase Timeline (Excerpt), MAY:58
(Y2K Contingency Planning) Timetable (Excerpt), MAY:59
Y2K testing: Will it save your equipment or destroy it? MAR:29
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