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The Komen Foundation

Funding News

The Komen Foundation

For 17 years, the National Grant Program of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has provided funding for basic, clinical, and translational breast cancer research. In addition, the foundation awards three-year postdoctoral fellowships to individuals working under the guidance of experienced cancer researchers in order to recruit and retain young scientists in the field of breast cancer research. The Komen foundation directs grant support to research projects with potential for high impact that may not be considered by other agencies. Applications for Komen Foundation Grants are available at the foundation’s Web site: The deadline for the 1999 applications has passed. The deadline for the year 2000 grants has not yet been announced, but in the past has been in the late winter/early summer.

The Komen Foundation accepts applications for grants to fund research on imaging technology relevant to breast health and breast cancer. This program is supported by matching funds from the Drown Foundation to develop methods utilizing advanced imaging technology for early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Projects should be innovative and non-duplicative of other efforts. The program offers funding of $125,000/year for two years. Applications are accepted from the United States and from institutions abroad, but will not be accepted from for-profit entities. U.S. citizenship or residency is not required.

The Komen Foundation also provides grants to fund doctoral candidates in the health and social sciences to conduct dissertation research on breast health and breast cancer. The program offers funding between $20,000 and $30,000 over a two-year period that may be used for salary, tuition, and travel. No specific area of breast cancer or breast health study, geographic area, discipline, or population is targeted. Doctoral candidates must have completed all pre-dissertation requirements and expect to complete their dissertation within two years of the grant award. Dissertation supervisors must hold a faculty appointment at the same institution as the candidate.

The Komen Foundation awards grants to fund postdoctoral fellowships in the area of breast cancer research, public health, and breast cancer epidemiology.

This program is offered with the intent to help postdoctoral fellows begin or continue independent investigations in breast health and breast cancer. The program offers funding of $35,000/year for three years. Applicants must be sponsored by a principal investigator from the same institution. The fellowship candidate must be no more than three years post completion of PhD or five years post completion of MD or comparable doctoral degree in the clinical health profession. U.S. citizenship or residency is not required. A total of 10 fellowships will be awarded.

The Komen Foundation offers grants to breast cancer researchers in the United States and abroad of up to $250,000 (combined direct and indirect costs) over a two-year period. This program emphasizes the support of projects that are innovative, unique, and have potential to seed further study. Applications are submitted for peer review by a national scientific committee in a "blind" manner. Equipment costs may not exceed 30% of direct costs and should be project specific. In 1999, a minimum of $5 million was alllocated for this program.