CMs must advocate for clients
An article in the April issue of Case Management Advisor included a statement attributed to Mark Raderstorf, CCM, CRC, LP, LFMT, president of Behavioral Management in Minneapolis. The statement read, "Raderstorf suggests supervisors share this advice with case managers."
The statement should have read as follows:
Raderstorf suggests case managers share the following advice with supervisors:
• Tone down your feedback to employees with mental disabilities.
• Always use an instructional rather than an accusatory tone.
• Never demean the employee verbally or in written job performance evaluations.
Many employers have little understanding of mental disabilities or neurological impairments and the effect they may have on an individual’s ability to process information and complete tasks, Raderstorf says. It’s the case managers’ role, after first receiving permission from the client, to educate supervisors and co-workers about any impairments the client may have and the affect those impairments may have on job performance.
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