Letter to Readers
This issue promises a new subsection for Neurology Alert. As we all know, journals dedicated to clinical neurology become rapidly obese just as their contents take a progressively shorter time during which new data make the old obsolete.
This issue of Neurology Alert introduces two of several changes that will be included in this and future issues. Just as these last 10 years have been rightly designated the "Decade of the Brain," neurologists must realize that the coming millenium will begin with the "Century of the Brain." Neurology has passed the divide of being a descriptive discipline into an action discipline, exposing the roots of neurological development and lifetime durability as well as finding the cell-molecular steps necessary to prevent limited growth of the nervous system. Particular attention will address genetic or acquired illnesses that presently interfere with life-long healthy neurological capacity.
Pursuing the above goals, your editor will make every effort to identify and explain dependable reports concerning new diseases or other factors that adversely affect the human nervous system, and, whenever possible, therapy will be emphasized. (This is obviously central to our present goals.)
Beyond the above, we plan to list within every volume new gene discoveries that affect the nervous system and, when possible, will briefly describe its produced protein and putative disease mechanism. Where possible, commercial laboratories that can identify the gene abnormality for diagnosis will be included. A second novelty that also will be updated annually will consist of a glossary of new pharmaceutical products aimed at neurological disorders. Currently estimated, neutrally reported advantages, costs, and sources will be provided.
A third step will briefly describe important advances in fundamental neuroscience that bring promise for future therapy of serious neurobiological disorders presently considered incurable. Under no circumstances, however, will we reduce our devotion to assist clinical practicing neurologists.
Thank you for your interest.
—Fred Plum, MD
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