Registration’s impact on UB92 topic of new course
NAHAM seminars in St. Louis, Atlanta
In last month’s issue of Hospital Access Management, Tammy Laitala, team leader of registration at Lake Forest (IL) Hospital, sought ideas on educating her access staff on the global picture how what they do impacts other areas of the hospital. She asked, "Are there companies that offer a broad overview of patient accounting functions and an explanation of the UB92 billing form?"
The Answer: The National Association of Healthcare Access Management (NAHAM) in Washington, DC, recently announced two new continuing education offerings, one of which seems custom-made to address Laitala’s dilemma.
That course, titled Understanding Today’s Third-Party Payers and How Registration Impacts UB92 and HCFA-1500 Billing, will be offered on March 24, 1998, at the University of Missouri in St. Louis and on March 25, 1998, at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
The course provides background information and specific technical information on each of the major payers served by today’s health care providers, according to Nancy Farrington, CHAM, chairwoman of NAHAM’s Education Committee. Participants will learn how today’s consumer-driven market has influenced third-party benefit structures and self-insurance.
"NAHAM has been promising its members the opportunity of continuing education, and here it is," says Farrington. "We are excited to provide these valuable, regionally offered courses that will offer you and your staff new information and the opportunity to hone existing skills."
The NAHAM course, she says, will help attendees:
1. Review the major payers, such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Medicare, commercial payers, HMOs, and PPOs.
2. Learn the importance of "Medicare Secondary Payer" screening requirements.
3. Review and understand the critical information found on insurance verification cards.
4. Understand the principles of the UB92 and HCFA-1500 billing forms and processes.
5. Identify and analyze each required UB92 and HCFA-1500 form locator and determine the source of the data.
6. Review proper protocols for gathering signatures.
Bobette M. Gustafson, founder and president of Gustafson & Associates Inc., will be the course speaker. The fee is $115 for those who register before Feb. 24, and $125 after that date. Group discounts are offered for those who bring three or more participants to the seminar.
For more information about this course or the second one, Achieving Excellence in Registration and Access Processing, which will be offered on Oct. 21 in St. Louis and Oct. 22 in Atlanta, call the NAHAM office at (202) 857-1125.
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