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<p class="Inside-first-paragraph-drop-cap">The chronic problem with adequate stocks of personal protective equipment&nbsp;for nurses continues as the coronavirus pandemic heads into the dreaded fall and winter months. Many nurses feel unsafe because of the shortages <span class="CharOverride-2">&mdash;</span> and the continued reprocessing and reuse of N95 respirators, which are designed for single use only <span class="CharOverride-2">&mdash;</span> according to the American Nurses Association.</p>

Nurses Still Reporting PPE Shortages, Fear of Reusing Single-Use N95s

‘I never thought I would consider leaving nursing’

The chronic problem with adequate stocks of personal protective equipment for nurses continues as the coronavirus pandemic heads into the dreaded fall and winter months. Many nurses feel unsafe because of the shortages and the continued reprocessing and reuse of N95 respirators, which are designed for single use only according to the American Nurses Association.