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<p class="Body-text">During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in demand for palliative care services under circumstances that impede the optimal delivery of this care, causing frontline providers to scramble to understand a critically ill patient&rsquo;s wishes while donned with face masks and goggles that make communications difficult. The pandemic has made what are always difficult conversations even more fraught, placing added stress on medical providers, patients, family members, and palliative care specialists.</p>

Hospitals Innovate to Meet Surging Demand for Palliative Care Services

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in demand for palliative care services under circumstances that impede the optimal delivery of this care, causing frontline providers to scramble to understand a critically ill patient’s wishes while donned with face masks and goggles that make communications difficult. The pandemic has made what are always difficult conversations even more fraught, placing added stress on medical providers, patients, family members, and palliative care specialists.