A strict protocol for responding to subpoenas can reduce the risks that come with inadvertently releasing too much information, or the wrong information. Experts have found that the best practice for responding to subpoenas or authorizations for production of medical records in legal cases is to set up a special department or designate an employee as the legal health information management representative. All requests for records in a legal case would be funneled through a person or persons trained in the legal issues and with ready access to the legal department or outside legal counsel when questions arise.
<p>A strict protocol for responding to subpoenas can reduce the risks that come with inadvertently releasing too much information, or the wrong information. Experts have found that the best practice for responding to subpoenas or authorizations for production of medical records in legal cases is to set up a special department or designate an employee as the legal health information management representative. All requests for records in a legal case would be funneled through a person or persons trained in the legal issues and with ready access to the legal department or outside legal counsel when questions arise.</p>
Address Metadata With Protocol for Subpoenas
August 1, 2019