This issue marks the end of an era for
OB/GYN Clinical Alert. John Hobbins, the last member of the original editorial board, presents his last regular contribution with his Special Feature. After a long and distinguished career, Dr. Hobbins is retiring to spend more time in Key West. Of the many talented scholars that Leon Speroff assembled for this newsletter, John has been the most prolific and durable. I have always admired John’s writing. He consistently selects topics of high relevance to clinical practice. He writes clearly and with great precision, emphasizing the known and not yet known. His brief and highly focused contributions create a clinical connection and tell a story that sticks in our memory. This final Special Feature is a great example. Please join me in thanking John for his many years of service to
OB/GYN Clinical Alert and wishing him well in his retirement. Perhaps we can coax an occasional guest commentary out of him in the future.
With each change comes new opportunities. This issue presents the first contribution by Dr. Camille Hoffman, an Associate Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University of Colorado. She will take over the responsibility of reporting on the maternal-fetal medicine literature. I am pleased to report that Dr. Hobbins helped train Dr. Hoffman and highly recommended her for a position on our Editorial Board. This contribution on preeclampsia is truly “Hobbinesque” in focus and relevance for clinical practice. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Hoffman to OB/GYN Clinical Alert.
— Jeffrey T. Jensen, MD, MPH, Editor