HINN 1, or the Pre-Admission/Admission HINN, should be given to patients before a hospital stay that is uncovered in its entirety.
HINN 10, also called the Notice of Hospital Requested Review, should be given to patients when the hospital requests a review from the Quality Improvement Organization because the attending physician does not agree with the hospital’s decision to discharge the patient.
HINN 11 is to be delivered when a physician orders diagnostic or therapeutic services that are not medically necessary and the patient continues to need inpatient care. Hospitals must give the notice to the patient and the attending physician only if they plan to charge the patient for the non-covered services. Patients sign the HINN 11 only if they consent to accept financial liability for the services that are not covered.
HINN 12 notifies patients of their potential financial liability if they continue to stay when they no longer meet criteria for an inpatient level of care.
Source: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
For more details, visit: http://go.cms.gov/2pWKDdL.