Overview and Instructions
Module 1: Neonatal Emergencies
Neonatal emergencies are frightening and challenging to almost all acute care providers. This first issue will focus on the neonate and provide a succinct review of critical issues pertinent to clinical practice and board preparation/review.
CME Instructions
Read each of the following sections. CME Questions are presented inline with links to begin the CME Post-Test. You may being this test at anytime, doing so will open a new browser tab or window. Use the "Save" button to save your progress without triggering grading. When you're complete, use the "Submit" button to both save your current answers and grade the test. For your convience the section headers within the post-test are cross linked back to the source section. When the test is graded you will be presented with a rational for each answer, if you like you may print this page or save it to a PDF for your records. You will then be presented with a short evaluation, when you have completed and submited the evaluation you will be able to select your credit and download as PDF certificate of credit, this certificate will also be accessible through your "My Transcript" link.