AORN periop standards, RPs include ambulatory
The 2014 edition of the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses’ (AORN’s) Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices includes new ambulatory supplemental information specific to ambulatory surgery centers.
Ambulatory Supplements are offered for seven of the recommended practices: Safe Environment of Care, Medication Safety, Radiation Safety, Retained Surgical Items, Specimens, Tissue Banking, and Transmissible Infections.
New evidence-rated recommended practices in 2014 include:
• Care of Patients Undergoing Pneumatic Tourniquet-assisted Procedures;
• Environmental Cleaning;
• Selection and Use of Packaging Systems for Sterilization;
• Sharps Safety.
The 2014 edition is available in print format and is available for $130 for members and $180 for non-members. For more information or to order, go to n