Requirement removed for radiologist on staff
ASCs to save $41 million annually
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has removed the provision in the Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) requiring ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) to have a radiologist on the medical staff, according to the ASC Association (ASCA). CMS estimates that the change will save ASCs $41 million annually.
This change was part of a larger pre-published final rule released titled "Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Regulatory Provisions to Promote Program Efficiency, Transparency, and Burden Reduction." ASCA leaders have long advocated for this change, according to the ASCA. In a released statement, the association said that requiring ASCs to have a radiologist on staff does not make sense given that radiologic services in an ASC generally are limited to intraoperative guidance that does not require interpretation by a radiologist. Additionally, ASCs have reported difficulty in finding radiologists who are willing to be part of their medical staff, the ASCA said.
Instead of requiring a radiologist on staff, the new language, found at §416.49(b)(2), states: "If radiologic services are utilized, the governing body must appoint an individual qualified in accordance with State law and ASC policies who is responsible for assuring that all radiologic services are provided in accordance with the requirements of this section."
William Prentice, chief executive officer of the ASCA, said, "We are pleased that CMS has responded to our request for a common sense policy pertaining to radiological services in ASCs. We look forward to continuing an open dialogue with CMS to identify and remove other burdensome requirements that hinder our ability to serve patients in the most efficient manner possible."
The rule was published on May 12, 2014, and is available at The relevant portion begins on p. 16. The change becomes effective 60 days after publication.