ED Nursing 2002 Index
When looking for information on a specific topic, back issues of ED Nursing newsletter, published by American Health Consultants, may be useful. To obtain 2002 back issues, go on-line to www.ahcpub.com. Click on the section titled "E-solutions," and then "AHC Online." Under "Please Select an Archive," select "ED Nursing." Or contact our customer service department at P.O. Box 740060, Atlanta, GA 30374. Telephone: (800) 688-2421 or (404) 262-7436. Fax: (800) 284-3291 or (404) 262-7837. E-mail:[email protected]. Senior Managing Editor: Joy Daughtery Dickinson.
Abdominal pain
- Journal Review: A randomized clinical trial of analgesia in children with acute abdominal pain, JUL:126
- Are you examining every child for signs of abuse? AUG:135
- Injuries that may be signs of abuse, AUG:136
- Journal Review: Emergency nurses’ experience with violence: Does it affect nursing care of battered women? SEP:155
- Journal Review: Health status and intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional study, MAR:68
- Take these 4 steps if you suspect abuse, AUG:138
- Use these strategies when you suspect elder abuse, MAR:63
- Watch for red flags that may signal abuse, MAR:64
Acute myocardial infarction (Also see Cardiac)
- Journal Review: Persistence of delays in presentation and treatment for patients with acute myocardial infarction: The GUSTO-I and GUSTO-III experience, MAY:97
- Nonthrombolytic/unstable AMI angina orders and TNKase orders for AMI, SEP:Supplement
Admission holds (Also see Critical care patients)
- 9 ways to improve care of ED hold’ patients, JUL:115
- Comply with accreditation standards for inpatients, JUN:103
- Brief negotiation interview (BNI) screening tool, JUN:Supplement
- Do you screen patients for alcohol abuse? JUN:104
- Here are steps to take if you suspect alcoholism, JUN:106
- Journal Review: Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in the emergency department: A systematic review, AUG:139
- Recommended best practices for nurses: Detection and intervention of problem drinkers in the ED, JUN:Supplement
- Don’t miss clues in vital signs of elderly patients, DEC:24
- Case study: How would you manage this case? SEP:145
- Excerpt from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines, SEP:Supplement
- Journal Review: Initial oxygen saturation as a predictor of admission in children presenting to the emergency department with acute asthma, DEC:28
- Journal Review: Provider adherence to a clinical practice guideline for acute asthma in a pediatric emergency department, FEB:55
- Journal Review: Validation of the pulmonary score: An asthma severity score for children, JUN:111
- New, more specific asthma meds are on the horizon, NOV:8
- Respiratory assessment flow sheet, SEP:143
- Stepwise approach for managing asthma, SEP:Supplement
- Updated asthma guidelines are here: Are you giving the right medications? SEP:141
Bioterrorism (Also see Disaster planning and Smallpox)
- Anthrax aftermath:Adverse drug reactions, vaccine controversy undercut CDC extended treatment offer, MAR:Supplement
- Anthrax outbreak forces closer focus on patient safety, JAN: Supplement
- APIC: Smallpox plan uses outdated infection control, JUN:Supplement
- Bioterror tips for running a tabletop, MAY:Supplement
- Bioterrorism forensics:The burden of proof, APR:Supplement
- Building a bridge over the abyss: Will bioterrorism help bring disjointed health system together? APR:Supplement
- CDC gets plenty of advice for action, APR:Supplement
- CDC moving quickly on smallpox front, JAN:Supplement
- Clinical evaluation of people with possible inhalational anthrax, JAN:Supplement
- Dire straits: Plague released at concert, MAY:Supplement
- Do you know how to use PAPRs? JAN:33
- Ease of access to deadly chemicals may be the greatest threat to hospital readiness, FEB:Supplement
- ED nurses tapped for smallpox immunizations, NOV:11
- Flu or anthrax: First inhalation cases yield clues for clinicians to make the critical call, JAN:Supplement
- Side effects undermine anthrax drug adherence, MAR:Supplement
- Signs and symptoms of chemical exposures, FEB:Supplement
- Site gives you tools to confront bioterrorism, DEC:20
- Stanford sets the standard for bioterrorism planning, JUN:Supplement
- They don’t call it bioterror for nothing: Fear is the foe when anthrax spores are found within hospital walls; JUN:Supplement
- Traumatized health care providers may need stress counseling in horrific aftermath of bioterror attack, MAY:Supplement
- Triage, decontamination after chemical exposures, FEB:Supplement
- Was anthrax mailer a bioweapons researcher? APR:Supplement
- Winds of war: Researchers track airborne anthrax, MAY:Supplement
Cardiac (Also see Acute Myocardial Infarction)
- Cardiac care center IV nesiritide (Natrecor) policy/procedure, MAY:89
- Chest pain center initial cardiac evaluation orders, AUG:Supplement
- Be prepared to change stroke and cardiac care, NOV:12
- Do you know about these new cardiac meds? SEP:146
- Do you know the four pillars’ for heart failure? DEC:19
- ED nurses: New heart failure guidelines give exciting options for treatment, DEC:17
- Emergency department GP IIb-IIIa physician’s orders, AUG:Supplement
- Here are criteria for GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, SEP:147
- New cardiac guidelines will impact your care: How will your practice change? AUG:129
- New drug should revolutionize CHF treatment, MAY:88
- Orders for Patients with Heart Failure, DEC:Supplement
- What to tell patients to prevent heart failure, DEC:19
Clinical trials
- Clinical trials harmed by lack of informed consent, SEP:153
Conflict resolution
- Here are 4 steps to handle any conflict, MAY:98
- Try these strategies for better communication, JUL:117
Critical care patients (Also see Admission holds)
- Are you uncomfortable caring for ICU patients in the ED? Here are strategies, JUN:101
- Try these strategies for better communication, JUL:117
- What to do if you think your care is unsafe, AUG:134
Delays (Also see Patient Flow)
- General information patient handout, NOV:Supplement
- Journal Review: Persistence of delays in presentation and treatment for patients with acute myocardial infarction: The GUSTO-I and GUSTO-III experience, MAY:97
Disaster planning (Also see Bioterrorism and Smallpox)
- Anthrax aftermath:Adverse drug reactions, vaccine controversy undercut CDC extended treatment offer, MAR:Supplement
- Anthrax outbreak forces closer focus on patient safety, JAN: Supplement
- APIC: Smallpox plan uses outdated infection control, JUN:Supplement
- A year after 9/11: Here are key concerns, SEP:145
- Bioterrorism forensics:The burden of proof, APR:Supplement
- Bioterror tips for running a tabletop, MAY:Supplement
- Building a bridge over the abyss: Will bioterrorism help bring disjointed health system together? APR:Supplement
- CDC gets plenty of advice for action, APR:Supplement
- CDC moving quickly on smallpox front, JAN:Supplement
- Clinical evaluation of people with possible inhalational anthrax, JAN:Supplement
- Dire straits: Plague released at concert, MAY:Supplement
- Distinguishing smallpox from chickenpox, JAN:32
- Ease of access to deadly chemicals may be the greatest threat to hospital readiness, FEB:Supplement
- ED nurses tapped for smallpox immunizations, NOV:11
- Emergency department nurses may be first to notice a smallpox outbreak, JAN:29
- Excerpt: Vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine, Recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices (ACIP), 2001, JAN:Supplement
- Fact sheet on smallpox: JAN:31
- Flu or anthrax: First inhalation cases yield clues for clinicians to make the critical call, JAN:Supplement
- Here are lessons learned from volunteers on 9/11, MAY:95
- Here are hot trends in disaster training, JUL:123
- Hospital preparedness for weapons of mass-destruction incidents: An initial assessment, MAR:69
- Involve community in your disaster drills, JUN:125
- Joint Commission report spotlights disaster planning, JAN:39
- Read this before you volunteer at a disaster, MAY:96
- Side effects undermine anthrax drug adherence, MAR:Supplement
- Signs and symptoms of chemical exposures, FEB:Supplement
- Smallpox vaccination urged for at least 250,000, OCT:167
- Stanford sets the standard for bioterrorism planning, JUN:Supplement
- They don’t call it bioterror for nothing: Fear is the foe when anthrax spores are found within hospital walls; JUN:Supplement
- Traumatized health care providers may need stress counseling in horrific aftermath of bioterror attack, MAY:Supplement
- Triage, decontamination after chemical exposures, FEB:Supplement
- Triage unit leader, MAR:67
- Use this checklist to assess if you’re prepared, JAN:40
- Use job action sheets for your disaster plan, MAR:66
- Was anthrax mailer a bioweapons researcher? APR:Supplement
- Winds of war: Researchers track airborne anthrax, MAY:Supplement
- Web site offers tools for culturally diverse care, JAN:41
- Emergency department nursing intervention sheet, OCT:Supplement
- Is your documentation lacking key information? OCT:164
- Nursing notes: History, triage, short ED course, and disposition, OCT:Supplement
- Proposed payment changes for procedures, OCT:Supplement
- Use this checklist when you document, OCT:165
Domestic violence
- Journal Review: Emergency nurses’ experience with violence: Does it affect nursing care of battered women? SEP:2002
- Journal Review: Health status and intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional study, MAR:68
Drug abuse
- ED visits rise for cocaine use: Don’t overlook life-threatening conditions, JUL:114
- Care of accident victims on hospital property, APR:Supplement
- Do you know how to comply with the 250-yard rule? APR:78
- Off-side location screening tool, APR:79
- Which sites fall under the 250-yard rule? APR:80
- Journal Review: Perspectives on practicing procedures on the newly dead, SEP:155
Family-centered care
- 5 principles you must follow, FEB:48
- Excerpt: Self-assessment tool to determine family-centered care practices, FEB: Supplement
- Make your ED stand out — trend grows toward family-centered practices, FEB:45
- Tips for implementing a family-centered approach, FEB: Supplement
- Wary of family presence? Consider these options, JUN:107
- Check for safety, FEB:Supplement
- Don’t miss clues in vital signs of elderly patients, DEC:24
- Journal Review: Factors associated with older patients’ satisfaction with care in an inner-city emergency department, JAN:42
- Journal Review: Polypharmacy, adverse drug-related events, and potential adverse drug interactions in elderly patients presenting to an emergency department, FEB:54
- Lower risk of adverse drug reactions in elderly, AUG:132
- Share these tips with at-risk patients, DEC:25
- Use these strategies when you suspect elder abuse, MAR:63
- Warn patients to come to ED early for stroke, SEP:149
- Watch for red flags that may signal abuse, MAR:64
- Ways to prevent falls in older patients, FEB:51
- Case study: Here are 5 key steps you must take, FEB:50
- ED nurses: New heart failure guidelines give exciting options for treatment, DEC:17
- Excerpt from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines, SEP:Supplement
- Follow new guidelines for newborn resuscitation, FEB:48
- Journal Review: Provider adherence to a clinical practice guideline for acute asthma in a pediatric emergency department, FEB:55
- New cardiac guidelines will impact your care: How will your practice change? AUG:129
- New guidelines for acute headaches: Here’s how your practice will change, MAY:86
- Recommended best practices for nurses: Detection and intervention of problem drinkers in the ED, JUN:Supplement
- Updated asthma guidelines are here: Are you giving the right medications? SEP:141
- Case study: Don’t miss subarachnoid hemorrhage, MAY:87
- New guidelines for acute headaches: Here’s how your practice will change, MAY:86
Injury prevention
- Here are key stats for self-inflicted injuries, SEP:152
- Improve your care of self-inflicted injuries, SEP:151
- Injury statistics (2000), MAR:71
- Report: EDs treated 31 million injuries in 2000, MAR:70
- Share these tips with at-risk patients, DEC:25
- Ways to prevent falls in older patients, FEB:51
- Site offers help if needlestick occurs, AUG:138
- Web site offers multitude of free tools for ED, JUN:110
- Web site offers tools for culturally diverse care, JAN:41
Intravenous sites
- Checking IV sites can be made easier, SEP:153
Joint Commission
- Comply with accreditation standards for inpatients, JUN:103
- Accreditation surveys will never be the same, NOV:5
- Involve community in your disaster drills, JUN:125
- New Joint Commission safety goals will change practice of ED nursing, OCT:157
- Joint Commission report spotlights disaster planning, JAN:39
- Use this checklist to assess if you’re prepared, JAN:40
- Update on new law to combat nursing shortage, OCT:166
- Care of accident victims on hospital property, APR:Supplement
- Do you know how to comply with the 250-yard rule? APR:78
- Do you offer rape victims emergency contraception? Liability is an issue, MAR:57
- Pregnancy risk evaluation and emergency interception policy and procedure, MAR:60
- Take these steps to avoid being named in a lawsuit, SEP:148
- What if your ED won’t offer EC? MAR:62
- What to do if you think your care is unsafe, AUG:134
Lyme disease
- Report: Lyme disease is on the rise, APR:81
- Cardiac care center IV nesiritide (Natrecor) policy/procedure, MAY:89
- Be prepared to change stroke and cardiac care, NOV:12
- Do you know about these new cardiac meds? SEP:146
- Do you know the four pillars’ for heart failure? DEC:19
- ED nurses: New heart failure guidelines give exciting options for treatment, DEC:17
- Educate parents about medications, JAN:35
- Emergency department GP IIb-IIIa physician’s orders, AUG:Supplement
- Here are criteria for GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, SEP:147
- You must brace for change in ED pain management, NOV:8
- Journal Review: Polypharmacy, adverse drug-related events, and potential adverse drug interactions in elderly patients presenting to an emergency department, FEB:54
- Lower risk of adverse drug reactions in elderly, AUG:132
- New, more specific asthma meds are on the horizon, NOV:8
- New drug should revolutionize CHF treatment, MAY:88
- Nonthrombolytic/unstable AMI angina orders and TNKase orders for AMI, SEP:Supplement
- Use these tips for giving medications to children, JAN:34
Morale (Also see Nursing shortage and Staffing)
- Emergency Services Employee of the Month Nomination Form, NOV:Supplement
- Here are 6 predictions for nursing shortage, NOV:5
- Here are solutions for 3 morale problems, OCT:164
- Nursing shortage report: Here are key findings, JAN:38
- Secrets for keeping your ED nurses happy, NOV:4
- Use these 6 ways to boost the morale of your nurses, OCT:162
Nasogastric tubes
- Here’s a strategy for NG tube placement, APR:83
Nursing shortage (Also see Morale and Staffing)
- Here are 6 predictions for nursing shortage, NOV:5
- Here are 10 ways to retain nursing staff, JAN:36
- Nursing shortage report: Here are key findings, JAN:38
- Secrets for keeping your ED nurses happy, NOV:4
- Update on new law to combat nursing shortage, OCT:166
- Nursing shortage will continue: Make sure your ED stays ahead of the game, NOV:1
Needlestick injuries
- Site offers help if needlestick occurs, AUG:138
Pain management
- You must brace for change in ED pain management, NOV:8
- Journal Review: Assessment of clinically significant changes in acute pain in children, MAY:97
Patient education
- Check for safety, FEB:Supplement
- Educate parents about medications, JAN:35
- Report: EDs treated 31 million injuries in 2000, MAR:70
- Teach patients to rinse after use of steroid inhaler, JAN:40
- Warn patients to come to ED early for stroke, SEP:149
- Ways to prevent falls in older patients, FEB:51
- What to tell patients to prevent heart failure, DEC:19
Patient flow (Also see Delays)
- Use a pocket timer to jog your memory, JUN:111
- You can cut delays with wireless registration, MAR:65
Patient safety
- Accreditation surveys will never be the same, NOV:5
- Anthrax outbreak forces closer focus on patient safety, JAN: Supplement
- Avoid problems when you transport a patient, JUL:118
- Bring these items to avert transport emergency, JUL:119
- Check patient’s status before transporting, JUL:120
- Here are ways to make restraint use safer, DEC:23
- HHS commits $50 million to better patient safety, JAN:Supplement
- Journal Review: A system of analyzing medical errors to improve GME curricula and programs, MAR:68
- Journal Review: Polypharmacy, adverse drug-related events, and potential adverse drug interactions in elderly patients presenting to an emergency department, FEB:54
- Leapfrog compliance pays off for hospitals, JAN:Supplement
- Lower risk of adverse drug reactions in elderly, AUG:132
- New Joint Commission safety goals will change practice of ED nursing, OCT:157
- NPSF taps Diamond as interim director, JAN:Supplement
Patient satisfaction
- Here are 4 steps to handle any conflict, MAY:98
- General information patient handout, NOV:Supplement
- Journal Review: Factors associated with older patients’ satisfaction with care in an inner-city emergency department, JAN:42
- Make your ED stand out — trend grows toward family-centered practices, FEB:45
- Ankle fracture in children, APR:Supplement
- Are you examining every child for signs of abuse? AUG:135
- Case study: Here are 5 key steps you must take, FEB:50
- Case study: How would you manage this seizure? APR:77
- Children need adult advocates in the ED, JAN:38
- Don’t overlook bullying: Here are ways to help pediatric patients in need, APR:74
- Educate parents about medications, JAN:35
- Febrile seizure in children, JAN:Supplement
- Follow new guidelines for newborn resuscitation, FEB:48
- Here’s how to avoid problems with Dermabond, JUL:120
- Here’s what to tell victims of bullying, APR:75
- How to make transport of children safer, OCT:160
- Improve care of children with special needs, JUN:109
- Injuries that may be signs of abuse, AUG:136
- Ipecac follow-up, JAN:Supplement
- Journal Review: A randomized clinical trial of analgesia in children with acute abdominal pain, JUL:126
- Journal Review: Assessment of clinically significant changes in acute pain in children, MAY:97
- Case study: Here are 5 key steps you must take, FEB:50
- Don’t miss syphilis in pregnant women, FEB:53
- Follow new guidelines for newborn resuscitation, FEB:48
Psychiatric patients
- 7 ways to improve care of psychiatric patients, DEC:22
- Here are ways to make restraint use safer, DEC:23
- Emergency department nursing intervention sheet, OCT:Supplement
- Is your documentation lacking key information? OCT:164
- Nursing notes: History, triage, short ED course, and disposition, OCT:Supplement
- Proposed payment changes for procedures, OCT:Supplement
- Use this checklist when you document, OCT:165
Restraint and seclusion
- Here are ways to make restraint use safer, DEC:23
- Follow new guidelines for newborn resuscitation, FEB:48
- Pediatric mock codes can improve care, MAY:90
- Pediatric mock code checklist, MAY:92
- Pediatric mock code/resuscitation care scenario, MAY:93
- Should you videotape mock codes? MAY:94
- Case study: How would you manage this seizure? APR:77
- Febrile seizure in children, JAN:Supplement
- Ipecac follow-up, JAN: Supplement
- Try these tips for pediatric seizures, APR:76
Sexual assault
- Consent to administer emergency contraception, MAR:59
- Do you offer rape victims emergency contraception? Liability is an issue, MAR:57
Smallpox (Also see Bioterrorism and Disaster planning)
- APIC: Smallpox plan uses outdated infection control, JUN:Supplement
- CDC moving quickly on smallpox front, JAN:Supplement
- Distinguishing smallpox from chickenpox, JAN:32
- ED nurses tapped for smallpox immunizations, NOV:11
- Emergency department nurses may be first to notice a smallpox outbreak, JAN:29
- Excerpt: Vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine, Recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices (ACIP), 2001, JAN:Supplement
- Fact sheet on smallpox: JAN:31
- Here’s the latest on the smallpox vaccine, DEC:20
- Smallpox vaccination urged for at least 250,000, OCT:167
Staffing (Also see Morale and Nursing shortage)
- Here are 6 predictions for nursing shortage, NOV:5
- Nursing shortage will continue: Make sure your ED stays ahead of the game, NOV:1
- What does the future hold for emergency nursing? NOV:6
- Secrets for keeping your ED nurses happy, NOV:4
- Be prepared to change stroke and cardiac care, NOV:12
- Warn patients to come to ED early for stroke, SEP:149
- How knowledge-based-care’ will affect your practice, NOV:13
- Technology to advance dramatically in the ED, NOV:10
- You can cut delays with wireless registration, MAR:65
- Avoid problems when you transport a patient, JUL:118
- Bring these items to avert transport emergency, JUL:119
- Check patient’s status before transporting, JUL:120
- How to make transport of children safer, OCT:160
- Use pediatric teams to transport children, OCT:161
- Journal Review: Five-level triage system more effective than three-level in tertiary emergency department, DEC:26
An index of 2002 articles organized by topic.
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