ED Management 2002 Index
- Journal Review: Health care utilization of chronic inebriates, AUG:94
Ambulance Supplies
- Don’t stop restocking of ambulance supplies, JAN:10
Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs)
- Acute Coronary Syndrome Billing Guidelines, MAY:Sup
- CMS says you’ll get paid for observation, FEB:19
- Finally, an APC code for observation: Now find out the rules for getting paid, MAY:49
- Share this good news with your administrator, MAY:51
- What to expect from new OPPS, OCT:117
Ancillary Staff
- Health Unit Coordinator job description, NOV:Sup
- Try these novel ways to use ancillary staff, NOV:126
- Guidelines for ED observation of asthma, MAY:Sup
Bioterrorism (Also See Decontamination and Disaster Planning)
- American Hospital Association Chemical and Bioterrorism Preparedness Checklist, FEB:Sup
- Anthrax aftermath: Adverse drug reactions, vaccine controversy undercut CDC extended treatment offer, MAR:Sup
- APIC: Smallpox plan uses outdated infection control, JUN:Sup
- Are you ready to carry out smallpox vaccine plans? DEC:137
- Bioterror tips for running a tabletop, MAY:Sup
- Bioterrorism forensics: The burden of proof, APR:Sup
- Bioterrorism site uses screen saver to educate, SEP:102
- Building a bridge over the abyss: Will bioterrorism help bring disjointed health system together? APR:Sup
- Case study: ED acts quickly after anthrax:MAY:52
- CDC gets plenty of advice for action, APR:Sup
- CDC’s key recommendations, AUG:90
- CDC moving quickly on smallpox front, JAN:Sup
- Clinical Evaluation of People with Possible Inhalational Anthrax, JAN:Sup
- Cutting-edge system spots outbreaks before you do, JAN:3
- Dire straits: Plague released at concert, MAY:Sup
- Distinguishing Smallpox from Chickenpox, JAN:Sup
- Don’t miss smallpox/plague outbreaks: Adapt strategies to track bioterrorism, JAN:1
- Ease of access to deadly chemicals may be the greatest threat to hospital readiness, FEB:Sup
- ED managers are planning for smallpox vaccine, SEP:101
- ED managers react to smallpox vaccine update, AUG:90
- ED staff will be first to receive smallpox vaccine, NOV:124
- Flu or anthrax? First inhalation cases yield clues for clinicians to make the critical call, JAN:Sup
- Infectious Agents as Biological Weapons, JAN:Sup
- Learn how bioterrorism bill will affect your ED, AUG:92
- One year later: Emergency department response to biological terrorism/Part I:Anthrax and pneumonic plague, SEP:Sup
- One year later: Emergency department response to biological terrorism/Part II: Smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fevers, tularemia, and botulinum toxins, NOV:Sup
- Patient Information Sheet: Anthrax, JAN:Sup
- Side effects undermine anthrax drug adherence, MAR:Sup
- Signs and Symptoms of Chemical Exposures, FEB:Sup
- Smallpox vaccine urged for at least 250,000, OCT:118
- Stanford sets the standard for bioterrorism planning, JUN:Sup
- System makes anthrax care more efficient, MAY:54
- They don’t call it bioterror for nothing: Fear is the foe when anthrax spores are found within hospital walls, JUN:Sup
- Traumatized health care providers may need stress counseling in horrific aftermath of bioterror attack, MAY:Sup
- Was anthrax mailer a bioweapons researcher? APR:Sup
- Winds of war: Researchers track airborne anthrax, MAY:Sup
- Acute Coronary Syndrome Billing Guidelines, MAY:Sup
- Guidelines for ED Observation of Chest Pain, MAY:Sup
- Guidelines for ED Observation of Congestive Heart Failure, MAY:Sup
Child Abuse
- Checklist for Suspected Child Abuse, MAR:Sup
Clinical Research
- Clinical trials harmed by lack of informed consent, SEP:106
- ED Dashboard, MAR:29
- Goal: Patient upstairs in fewer than 60 minutes, MAR:27
- Here is what balanced score card measures, OCT:116
- Here’s what ED staff can see at a glance, MAR:28
- Use score card to boost quality, OCT:114
Decontamination (Also see Bioterrorism, Disaster Planning, and Nuclear Preparedness)
- Florida ED revamps its decontamination plan, OCT:112
- Here are sample decontamination drills, OCT:113
- Mass Decontamination Unit Procedures, OCT:Sup
- Radiation Exposure/ Decontamination plan, SEP:Supplement
- Triage, decontamination after chemical exposures, FEB:Sup
Disaster Planning (Also see Bioterrorism, Decontamination, and Nuclear Preparedness)
- APIC: Smallpox plan uses outdated infection control, JUN:Sup
- Be ready to answer these questions, FEB:16
- Comply with new standard for disaster volunteers, NOV:128
- Does EMTALA apply during a disaster? JAN:7
- ED’s disaster plan uses incident command system, MAR:31
- Incident command system for disaster management, MAR:33
- Joint Commission zeroes in on disaster plans: Is yours up to par? FEB:13
- New group targets disaster planning, JAN:15
- Q&A: How has your ED changed since 9/11? SEP:100
- Report gives injury statistics from 9/11, MAY:57
- ED diversion rates high throughout the calendar, FEB:20
- Journal Review: Effect of an emergency department managed acute care unit on ED overcrowding and emergency medical services diversion, FEB:22
- Reports say diversion on the rise: Use technology to overhaul patient flow, MAR:25
- Does your documentation satisfy irate colleagues? JUN:68
- ED managers: Don’t stop using template charting! JUL:78
- Emergency and Express Care Services Record, JUL:Sup
- It’s time to give up costly template charts, JUL:79
- Restraint/Seclusion Flowsheet, OCT:Sup
- Trauma Triage Worksheet, SEP:Sup
- Audio conference tackles HIPAA concerns, NOV:121
- Bioterrorism site uses screen saver to educate, SEP:102
Emergency Contraception
- Do sex assault victims receive adequate care? If not, you risk fines, violations, JUN:61
- Emergency Contraception: Important Information for Survivors of Sexual Assault, JUN:Sup
- Journal Review: Emergency contraception provision: A survey of emergency department practitioners, MAY:58
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Don’t stop restocking of ambulance supplies, JAN:10
- Journal Review: Effect of an emergency department managed acute care unit on ED overcrowding and emergency medical services diversion, FEB:22
- Does EMTALA apply during a disaster? JAN:7
- EMTALA regs: You may be surprised at proposed changes to requirements, JUL:73
- EMTALA Q&A: 250-yard rule, APR:45
- EMTALA Q&A: Accepting physicians, AUG:93
- EMTALA Q&A: Ambulance transport, DEC:142
- EMTALA Q&A: Direct admit patients, MAR:34
- EMTALA Q&A: Discharge to specialist’s office for suturing, JAN:8
- EMTALA Q&A: Nonemergent patients, APR:45
- EMTALA Q&A: Orthopedic consults, AUG:93
- EMTALA Q&A: Orthopedic injuries, APR:45
- EMTALA Q&A: Physician’s assistants, FEB:22
- EMTALA Q&A: Routine blood pressure checks for the community, NOV:129
- EMTALA Q&A: Satellite EDs and medical screening examinations, JAN:9
- EMTALA Q&A: Sexual assault victims, FEB:21
- EMTALA Q&A: Transport by helicopter, OCT:118
- EMTALA Q&A: Transfers from extended care facilities, JUL:82
- EMTALA Q&A: Transfers from rural hospitals, JUN:69
- EMTALA Q&A: Transfers of ICU patients, JUN:69
- EMTALA Q&A: Transfers for diagnostic tests, SEP:104
- EMTALA Q&A: Transfers from rural hospitals, FEB:21
- EMTALA Q&A: Vital signs, SEP:103
- EMTALA Q&A: Warning: New regs expand your liability, JUL:76
- EMTALA Q&A: Written orders from pediatrician’s offices, AUG:93
- Here are new EMTALA definitions, JUL:75
Family-Centered Care
- Journal Review: Assessment of family-centered care policies and practices for pediatric patients in nine U.S. emergency departments, MAR:34
- Audio conference tackles HIPAA concerns, NOV:121
- ED protocol for patient pagers, AUG:87
- Ready for HIPAA? Take steps to protect patient privacy before it’s too late, AUG:85
- Use this checklist and ensure patient’s privacy, AUG:86
- 10 steps to follow for panel interviewing, APR:44
- Ask staff to help choose the right nurse manager, APR:43
Joint Commission
- Be ready to answer these questions, FEB:16
- Comply with new standard for disaster volunteers, NOV:128
- Here are the questions surveyors will ask, APR:39
- Joint Commission zeroes in on disaster plans: Is yours up to par? FEB:13
- New JCAHO staffing standards: You may be surprised at what you need to do, APR:37
- New Joint Commission report warns: Sentinel events most likely in the ED, DEC:133
- The new survey process will surprise you, DEC:136
Legislation (Also see HIPAA)
- Are you worried about new staffing ratio laws? DEC:141
- Comply with regs for needlestick prevention, MAY:54
- Learn how bioterrorism bill will affect your ED, AUG:92
Liability Crisis
- Growing ED liability crisis is spotlighted in survey, DEC:140
Medication errors
- Cut medication errors in half with ED pharmacist, AUG:88
- Emergency department pharmacist activities, AUG:Sup
- Journal Review: Adverse drug events in emergency department patients, JUL:82
Myocardial infarction
- Journal Review: Presenting complaint among patients with myocardial infarction who present to an urban, public hospital emergency department, DEC:143
Needlestick injuries
- Comply with regs for needlestick prevention, MAY:54
- Needlestick Prevention Device Assessment Form, MAY:Sup
- Safety IV Catheter Evaluation Form, MAY:Sup
Nuclear preparedness
- Dirty bomb’ threat puts spotlight on unprepared EDs: Do you have a plan? SEP:97
- Radiation Exposure/ Decontamination Plan, SEP:Sup
- Acute Coronary Syndrome Billing Guidelines, MAY:Sup
- CMS says you’ll get paid for observation, FEB:19
- Finally, an APC code for observation: Now find out the rules for getting paid, MAY:49
- Guidelines for ED Observation of Asthma, MAY:Sup
- Guidelines for ED Observation of Chest Pain, MAY:Sup
- Guidelines for ED Observation of Congestive Heart Failure, MAY:Sup
- Observation Unit Operational Guidelines, MAY:Sup
- Share this good news with your administrator, MAY:51
On-call physicians
- Here are new regs for on-call physicians, SEP:105
Overcrowding (Also see Diversion)
- Report: ED visits are on the rise, JUL:80
- You may be surprised at these statistics, JUL:81
Patient flow (Also see Diversion and Overcrowding)
- Adjusted Outpatient Census Formula, NOV:Sup
- Assessing trauma patients boosts efficiency, SEP:102
- Goal: Patient upstairs in fewer than 60 minutes, MAR:27
- Here is what balanced score card measures, OCT:116
- Here’s what ED staff can see at a glance, MAR:28
- How a common problem is solved with Toyota system, NOV:126
- Journal Review: Satisfied patients exiting the emergency department (SPEED) study, JUN:70
- Toyota’s tips drive dramatic ED improvements, NOV:125
Patient safety
- Cut medication errors in half with ED pharmacist, AUG:88
- Emergency Department Pharmacist Activities, AUG:Sup
- Journal Review: Adverse drug events in emergency department patients, JUL:82
Patient satisfaction
- Here is what balanced score card measures, OCT:116
- Journal Review: Rapid process redesign in a university-based emergency department: Decreasing waiting time intervals and improving patient satisfaction, SEP:105
- Journal Review: Satisfied patients exiting the emergency department (SPEED) study, JUN:70
- Toyota’s tips drive dramatic ED improvements, NOV:125
- Use score card to boost quality, OCT:114
- Improve care of kids with pediatric coordinator, MAR:28
- Journal Review: Assessment of family-centered care policies and practices for pediatric patients in nine U.S. emergency departments, MAR:34
- Pediatric liaison nurse job description, MAR:30
Point-of-care testing
- Consider pros and cons of point-of-care testing, APR:41
- Here’s how to make point-of-care testing a success, APR:40
- Use coordinator to ensure quality of tests, APR:42
Psychiatric Patients
- ED patient’s suicide is wake-up call: Are you putting psychiatric patients at risk? OCT:109
- Restraint/Seclusion Flowsheet, OCT:Sup
- Safe Initial Management of Psychiatric Patients, OCT:Sup
- Use this checklist to revamp your policy, OCT:111
Reimbursement (Also see Ambulatory Payment Classifications [APCs] and Observation)
- 2 ways to catch underpayments, DEC:139
- Acute Coronary Syndrome Billing Guidelines, MAY:Sup
- Are you losing $250,000 of revenue each year? DEC:139
- Can you really collect copays? Experts say yes, JUN:65
- Collect copays on the back end’ of the visit, JUL:76
Restraint and Seclusion
- Restraint/Seclusion Flowsheet, OCT:Sup
- Are you meeting the needs of your staff? Here are cutting-edge strategies to use, NOV:Sup
- Salary Survey, JUL:Sup
Sexual Assault (Also see Emergency Contraception)
- Do sex assault victims receive adequate care? If not, you risk fines, violations, JUN:61
- Journal Review: Measuring the quality of medical care for women who experience sexual assault with data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, AUG:94
- SANE programs have benefits you can’t ignore, JUN:64
- 10 steps to follow for panel interviewing, APR:44
- Adjusted Outpatient Census Formula, NOV:Supplement
- Are you meeting the needs of your staff? Here are cutting-edge strategies to use, NOV:Sup
- Are you worried about new staffing ratio laws? DEC:141
- Ask staff to help choose the right nurse manager, APR:43
- Assessing trauma patients boosts efficiency, SEP:102
- Don’t rely on ratios alone, warn staffing experts: Here are cutting-edge strategies to use, NOV:121
- Here are staffing needs for trauma patients, SEP:Supplement
- Here are the questions surveyors will ask, APR:39
- New JCAHO staffing standards: You may be surprised at what you need to do, APR:37
- Trauma Triage Worksheet, SEP:Sup
- Try these novel ways to use ancillary staff, NOV:126
Technology (Also see Point-of-Care Testing and Ultrasound)
- ED protocol for patient pagers, AUG:87
- Here is what balanced score card measures, OCT:116
- Here’s what ED staff can see at a glance, MAR:28
- Nine ways to use handheld computers, FEB:17
- Reports say diversion on the rise: Use technology to overhaul patient flow, MAR:25
- Use score card to boost quality, OCT:114
Trauma Patients
- Adult Pelvic Fractures, JUL:Sup
- Air medical transport: When taking flight with trauma patients makes sense, MAR:Sup
- Assessing trauma patients boosts efficiency, SEP:102
- Here are Staffing Needs for Trauma Patients, SEP:Sup
- Initial Phase of Trauma Management and Fluid Resuscitation, MAY:Sup
- Journal Review: Characteristics of the trauma recidivist: An exploratory descriptive study, JAN:9
- One year later: Emergency department response to biological terrorism/Part I: Anthrax and pneumonic plague, SEP:Sup
- One year later: Emergency department response to biological terrorism/Part II: Smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fevers, tularemia, and botulinum toxins, NOV: Sup
- Trauma in Older Patients, JAN:Sup
- Trauma Triage Worksheet, SEP:Sup
- Act now to improve your ultrasound program, JUN:66
- Does your documentation satisfy irate colleagues? JUN:68
- Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Course Curriculum, JAN:Sup
- Gallbladder Ultrasonography, JAN:Sup
- Here’s what new ED ultrasound guidelines say, JAN:5
- Journal review: Bedside echocardiography by emergency physicians, MAY:58
- Letter to Radiology Department, JAN:Sup
- OB/GYN Ultrasonography, JAN:Sup
- Scope of Practice, JAN:Sup
- Suggested Optimal Guidelines for Implementation of an Introductory Emergency Ultrasound Course for Emergency Physicians (Excerpt), JAN:6
- Ultrasound Examination List Template: JUN:Sup
When looking for information on a specific topic, back issues of ED Management may be useful. To obtain 2002 back issues, go on-line to www.ahcpub.com. Click on "E-solutions" and "AHC Online." Under "Please Select an Archive," select "ED Management." Or contact customer service at American Health Consultants, P.O. Box 740060, Atlanta, GA 30374. Telephone: (800) 688-2421 or (404) 262-7436. Fax: (800) 284-3291 or (404) 262-7837. E-mail: [email protected].
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